
Course Information

Mental Health Nursing (ADN 1630)

Term: 2014 Spring Semester


Stacia M Smith
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Mon-Thu, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (3/17/2014 - 5/17/2014) Location: MAIN AS C1


Prerequisites: Sequential nursing and science classes with a minimum grade of C.
Designed to introduce the student to history and trends in psychiatric nursing, major psychiatric theoretical models, the five axes of the psychiatric classification system, the major psychiatric illnesses inclusive of definitions, clinical manifestations, psychopharmacology, medical treatments, nursing interventions and milieu management. Intended to provide fundamental knowledge of mental health concepts and interactional techniques for the beginning nurse. The role that emotions and stress play in the behavior of the client and client's family are emphasized to give the student a better understanding of behavior and provide a useful framework for planning and providing nursing care in any health care setting. Hospital-based and community-based mental health clinical experience is included.