
Course Information

General Genetics (BIO 2430)

Term: 2014 Spring Semester


Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM (1/13/2014 - 5/17/2014) Location: MAIN AS 224
Thu, 2:30 PM - 4:20 PM (1/13/2014 - 5/17/2014) Location: MAIN AS 224


Prerequisite: MAT0930, MAT0935 or higher with a minimum grade of C, or minimum score of 14 on the ACT math, or minimum score of 200 on the Accuplacer Next Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics, or a minimum score of 200 on the Advanced Algebra and functions, AND BIO1150, or BIO1250, or BIO1350, or BIO2112 or BIO2122 or BIO2540, or BIO2600, or BIO2620 with a minimum grade of C or instructor consent.
Introductory genetics course, covering the principles of Mendelian genetics, DNA structure and function, gene expression, and genetic regulation in organisms. Includes the discussion of genetics as a therapeutic tool, hereditary mechanisms for disease, population genetics, epigenetics, and recombinant DNA technology. Includes lab.