Mineral Area College is concerned about the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff.  MAC is committed to providing an environment where individuals are free to work, learn and teach, unencumbered and uninhibited by threats of intimidation or harm.  To this end, the college has established the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT).  BIT is responsible for upholding college policies and procedures regarding student behavior. 

Definition of BIT: The Behavioral Intervention Team is a cross-functional assessment group that will respond to students in apparent/potential distress.

Mission Statement:  BIT provides proactive assistance to students who are exhibiting concerning behaviors, both to support students and assist faculty/staff.

Ethics of BIT:  The ethics of BIT are to provide confidential, respectful, and proactive support, while offering resources and balancing the educational needs of students with the mission of Mineral Area College.

Goals of BIT:

-       Review information from faculty, staff, students and/or community members; conduct investigation to determine appropriate response and promote early intervention.  

-       Provide support and response to students displaying varying levels of disruptive, disturbed or distressed behaviors.

-       Centralize collection and assessment of concerning student behaviors. ‘Connect the dots’ regarding problematic actions involving one student that may be known to various faculty, staff and administrators.

-       Coordinate follow-up with students and ensure that services, support and resources are deployed effectively.

-       Utilize a formalized protocol of instructions for communication, coordination and intervention.

-       Balance FERPA, HIPAA and counselor privilege with college need-to-know and emergency communication needs.

-       Coordinate possible referral actions:  psychological assessment, conduct actions, disability services, hospitalization and/or medical leave/withdrawal, as needed.  

As a result of growing national trends concerning mental health issues on college campuses, MAC created the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT).  The BIT has been charged with upholding policies and maintaining a healthy and safe environment for the college community.

BIT is not meant to take the place of standard classroom management techniques utilized by faculty.  Implementation of this team does not alter any existing discipline policies.  Rather, BIT centralizes the reporting of concerning student behavior, publicizes current policy and encourages early intervention.

BIT will utilize a database where real-time incident information will be submitted by college employees and students via an online incident report available on the BIT home page which is found via the MAC website.  Incident reports will be reviewed daily (Monday-Friday).  The team will follow up promptly with the individual initiating the report to gather additional information.  In most cases, an interview will be arranged with the student of concern to determine appropriate actions.  Incident reports should be completed when someone observes incidents of concerning, aberrant, dangerous or threatening behavior. 

Distressed Behavior - Students who may be emotionally troubled and/or impacted by situational stressors and traumatic event(s).

Disturbed Behavior - Students who may be behaviorally disruptive, acting in an unusual or bizarre fashion, may be destructive and harmful to self or others and may be abusing substances.

Dysregulated Behavior - Students may be suicidal, para-suicidal (extreme cutting, eating disordered), engaging in risk taking behaviors (e.g. substance abusing), may be hostile, aggressive, relationally abusive and may be deficient in skills that regulate emotion, cognition, self-behavior and relationships.

MAC BIT Members


Julie Sheets

Dean of Students



Dan Bryan

Director - College Park Housing



Amy Schwent

Director of Allied Health Dept.



Carla Gibbs




Lynne Wisdom

Professor - Business Dept.













Ad hoc members may be included when appropriate. 

BIT has developed a protocol to ensure that concerning student behavior, mental health issues or incidents are addressed consistently.* 

[*Post assessment, any potential disciplinary sanction will be addressed.]


All employees should consider it their responsibility to report concerning behaviors for the safety and well-being of the student and campus community. **

-       All reports should be made to BIT and if appropriate, the direct supervisor.

-       Faculty/staff/students can reach BIT staff at 573-518-2262 during regular business hours. After hours, refer to the BIT link at Behavioral Concern Report. Emergencies should ALWAYS be reported to 573-631-2831 (public safety) or 911.

-       When determining what is reportable, err on the side of over-reporting.  Please refer to Identifying At-Risk Students for more information.  While an isolated event may appear minor, other similar incidents occurring in close proximity may indicate a pattern of concerning behavior.

[ ** Reports from staff covered by confidentiality may be shared anonymously or confidentially, unless the report indicates a threat for which confidentiality may be breached (imminent threat to self or other identified individuals). Anonymously refers to omitting from the report the name of the person who holds the privilege (or the names of any other person about whom the reporter gains information via a confidential relationship). Confidentiality refers to the option for the reporting employee/student to withhold their identity from the report.]

BIT will determine which member(s) will assess the "Student Concern/Incident Report" and determine actions consistent with college policy.

Assessment may include:

-       Confirming to reporting parties that the report was received.

-       Clarifying details.

-       Interviewing the involved individual(s).

Initial actions may include:

-       Referring student to support services.

-       Facilitating meeting between concerned parties.

-       Contacting parents, guardians, roommates, friends, faculty, coaches, etc.

Part of this protocol is an assessment of whether such notifications are legally permitted, and whether such notifications could be helpful or harmful to the intervention and to risk management priorities.

-       Mandating psychological assessment. ***

-       Voluntary/involuntary removal from campus. ***

-       Student(s) demonstrating an imminent threat to harm should be referred immediately to the Department of Public Safety.
***These policies are pending Board approval.

Follow-up actions may include:

-       Establishing return criteria.

-       Coordinating supportive services for a returning student.

- Establishing behavioral contract.

- Confirming continuity of care.

Accepting or appealing actions determined by BIT:

-       A student must appeal actions, via written response, addressed to the BIT Chair.

-      Failing to comply with the actions may result in referral to the Dean of Students for disciplinary actions.

Identifying At-Risk Students
At one time or another, everyone feels depressed or upset.  However, there are three levels of student distress which, when present over a period of time, suggest that the problems are more than the ‘normal’ reactions to life stressors.

Level 1 - Distress

Although not disruptive to others in classroom or elsewhere, these behaviors in students may indicate that something is wrong and that help may be needed:

o    Serious grade problems.

o    Unaccountable change from good to poor performance.

o    Change from frequent attendance to excessive absences.

o    Change in pattern of interaction.

o    Marked change in mood, motor activity or speech.

o    Marked change in physical appearance.

Level 2 - Disturbance

These behaviors in students may indicate significant emotional distress or a reluctance or inability to acknowledge a need for personal help:

o    Repeated request for special consideration.

o    New or regularly occurring behavior which pushes the limits and may interfere with class management or be disruptive to others.

o    Unusual or exaggerated emotional response.

Level 3 - Dysregulation

In many cases, these behaviors may show that the student is in crisis and needs emergency care:

o    Highly disruptive behavior (hostility, aggression, etc.).

o    Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, slurred speech, disjointed thoughts).

o    Loss of contact with reality (seeing/hearing things that are not there, beliefs or actions at odds with reality).

o    Overt suicidal thoughts (suicide is a current option).

o    Homicidal threats.

o    Individuals deficient in skills that regulate emotion, cognition, self, behavior and relationships.

What You Can (and Can’t) Do:

Responses to Level 1/Level 2 Behaviors

o    Calmly talk to the student in private when you both have time.

o    Express your concern in non-judgmental terms.

o    Listen to the student and repeat the gist of what the student is saying.

o    Clarify the costs and benefits of each option for handling the problem from the student’s point of view.

o    Respect the student’s value system.

o    Ask if the student is considering suicide.

o    Make appropriate referrals if necessary.

o    Make sure the student understands what action is necessary.

Responses to Level 3 Behavior

o    Stay calm.

o    Call emergency referrals.

Talking to Students About Your Concerns:

Be cognizant about the limits of your ability to help.  You can help students get the support they need by informing them of our counseling services.  Explain that students visit the counselor for a variety of reasons.  If a student is receptive to seeing a counselor, provide him or her with information regarding the services available on campus in Student Services. Some statements that might help you start a dialog are:

o    “Sounds like you are really struggling with _________.  Many people find it helpful to talk with someone in confidence that is outside of the situation.”

o    “I want to help you get the help you need and deserve.”

o    “Meeting with the MAC counselor is confidential, free and will not go on your academic record.”

o    “These are services your tuition pays for; take advantage of them.”

Do’s and Don’ts for Responding to Suicide Gestures

o    DO show that you take the student’s feelings seriously.

o    DO let the student know that you want to help.

o    DO listen attentively and empathize.

o    DO reassure that, with help and motivation, the student can develop a more positive outlook.

o    DO stay close until help is available or risk has passed.

o    DON’T try to shock or challenge the student.

o    DON’T assume the student is only seeking attention.

o    DON’T become argumentative.

o    DON’T react with shock or disdain at the student’s thoughts and feelings.
  o    DON’T discount the student’s distress